Quer durch Hamburg – ohne Lehrer! (2011)

Die Klassen 4c und 4d auf HVV-Rallye

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Im Mai 2011 machten sich die Schülerinnen und Schüler der englischsprachigen Klassen 4c und 4d in kleinen Gruppen auf, um das öffentliche Verkehrsnetz per Rallye zu erkunden.


Hier sind drei ihrer Kurzberichte:


Our HVV Ralley
We started our Rallye in Wandsbek-Gartenstadt. Then we drove with the U3 to Barmbek. We drove again with the U3 to Borgweg. We were at Rathaus. There we searched for the Bogengang. We gave some Birds and Swans some bread. We had a little break at the sea. We made some photos of the birds and swans.

Atacan, Tobias Avesta


HVV Rallye
The rallye was not so funny because we almost lost Mark´s rucksack at the trainstation! We were in the train when the rucksack lay on the trainstation, and the train moved to the next station.Then we changed into the other train back to the other station and got the rucksack.
Niklas and Mark!!!


The strange man

Yesterday we drove with the U3 to Barmbek. On the train there was a strange man. He said that we can do what we want. He said he comes from America and has 5 children. We said bye bye as we entered the next train. That was good.
By Alexander and Emir